- (Conc.=0.0250g/L) iron vitamin tablet in 40mL of water, dissolving.
- tranferring to a 100mL flask and diluting up to 100mL.
- measured absorbance of vitamin solution at 508nm, that resulted in 0.15.
- A graph was made and after dropping a vertical line from the absorbance value down to the concentration
- corresponding concentration on graph was 0.0006g/L?
im not sure if thats right.... because the final mass after all the calculations is way off the 10mg advertised mass of the iron in the tablet.
1) calculate the concentration of iron (g/ml) in the 100mL volumetric flask which contains the solutin in which the vitamin was originally dissolved?
2) using the concentration and volume of the flask calculate the mass of iron present in the vitamin tablet?
3) convert the weight to milligrams?
what i did:
1) (0.0006g/L)(40mL)=C2(100mL)
which gives:
0.00024g/L x 1L/1000mL = 0.00000024g/ml
2) 0.00000024g/mL x 100mL = 0.000024g
3) 0.000024g x 1000 = 0.024mg?
**** Concentrations of the standards for the graph were found like this, messed up here maybe?
(25mL is the flask that the standard was diluted in)
(1mL, 2mL, 3mL, 4mL are the amounts of iron put in each flask)
(0.0250g/L is the concentration of the iron)
(0.0250g/L)(1mL)= c2(25mL)
(0.0250g/L)(2mL)= c2(25mL)