Actually Borek: I read in a chemistry book a long time ago, that dilute nitric acid can produce N2O when it acts on copper. Sorry I can't find a citation for that, and I don't think its in Pauling's Chemistry, but every other bit of weird chemistry trivia is, so why not this tidbit, I will have to check. Anyway, its also possible that this question is just a made up one, to test the student. Those do seem a little unfair, but there's only so many reactions you can put in a textbook without being redundant. Or perhaps its just a typo, like you said.
At any rate, Magus:, just because you have a multiple guess question, doesn't really make the chemistry easier. You will have to work straight through. Starting with a balanced chemical equation for the reaction, as it is described. If this is a typo, you'll have to prove it with a worked out answer to your instructor.