I'm having a little trouble with this acetal question. At first I thought the ring would break and an aldehyde would form on the left and an alcohol on the right but the electron movements don't make that possible.
What I'm thinking is:
1. Lone pair from oxygen picks up H from HCl
2. Ring breaks leaving a secondary carbocation
3. Oxygen from Ethanol attacks the carbocation and Cl- is reprotonted
(Of course the Ethanol could attack from the top or bottom, giving both stereochemistries)
But now I'm thinking what if the other oxygen get's protonated first and leaves as methanol leaving the ring intact? Then the ethanol would attack, but the end product would be back at an acetal, except with an ethanol instead of a methanol. I'm not sure of any other way to approach this question.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!