Do some preliminary research with nickel as a catalyst. Proove that nickel will work or what's your other one made of, platinum? Well do some expirements proving that the 2 elements work well for this purpose and measure the amount of heat, electricity, or any form of energy your expirment gives off in the process. Then you right out a nice paper and all your results in it with graphs and things. You want to show a lot of information that makes sense. It has to be concise and proove that your designs will work. Then....
Send copies of your "report" to somebody who is very well educated in fuel cells. Let him/her check off and make suggestions on it. When everything is all done and perfect you should (maybe get a patent on your design for safety) send it to major car companies. Not companies like Dodge, Mercury, Cadillac, ext. Go send your results straight to the R&D to Ford or GM. You might want to call the company and find out some info first though.
If everything goes good, you should get maybe some funding and/or help from the big companies. You have to make sure your protected legally you don't want them stealing your idea. Who knows maybe this'll make you rich. I recommend keeping it in North America because of languages. Big universities may be also a good place to send your "report". Don't stay just in Canada. Check out the Massachusettes Institute of Technology (MIT). That would be a good bet in my opinion.
I hope everything works right. If I had money I'd send you some.