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Topic: Mixture(Up-Down Titration)  (Read 5814 times)

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Offline Roland_Span

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Mixture(Up-Down Titration)
« on: December 05, 2011, 04:55:58 AM »

My Name ist Roland. I am new in this forum. I want to do up and down titration. I have two stock solution of acetic acit and Ammonium. I want to make a standard solution from it and titrate it. How can i make standard mixture from both. How much acetic acid (ml) and Ammonium (ml) i must put for solution containg 1:10.
Is it 1 ml Acetic acid and 10 ml Ammonium? And add deionised waser if i need 0.1M Konzentration of mixture?


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Re: Mixture(Up-Down Titration)
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2011, 06:17:42 AM »
Your question is unclear - seems like English is your second language and it doesn't help. No worry, just try to reword your question. I have no idea what "up and down titration" is. It is also not clear to me what kind of standard do you want to prepare, especially taking into account fact that you want to mix these solutions, preparing ammonium acetate.
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Offline Roland_Span

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Re: Mixture(Up-Down Titration)
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2011, 07:02:37 AM »

That is true, my englisch is week. Ok i will try.
1. I want to titrate acetic acid and Ammonium sulfate seperatly.
2. Then i want to mix both to make standard solution and titrate that mixture.
3. Up and down titration: Up titration is done when sample were acidified with HCL to pH 2, for downtitration pH adujusted to 12 and then titration is done. What is the purpose of this, i want to know. I read this i an article that is why i want to do, why this kind of titration done and what result we get.
 Hope you understood.


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Re: Mixture(Up-Down Titration)
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2011, 08:43:35 AM »
OK, there is much more information, but some things are still not clear.

1. I want to titrate acetic acid and Ammonium sulfate seperatly.

I take it you want to determine concentrations of acetic acid and ammonium sulfate solutions by titration, right?

2. Then i want to mix both to make standard solution and titrate that mixture.

What reaction do you want to use when titrating the mixture? Acetic acid and ammonia in such mixture can be both titrated with strong base, but I have no idea why do you want to mix them and titrate - if you know exact concentrations of both solutions from the step 1, and if you use graduated glass for mixing, you will have quite good control of the concentrations in the mixture. Or am i completely off and you want to do something completely different?

3. Up and down titration: Up titration is done when sample were acidified with HCL to pH 2, for downtitration pH adujusted to 12 and then titration is done. What is the purpose of this, i want to know. I read this i an article that is why i want to do, why this kind of titration done and what result we get.

How is this procedure named in your native language? And, again - what are reactions that take place in these titrations? There is a slight chance that you mean back titration, but I don't find this idea very likely.
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Offline Roland_Span

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Re: Mixture(Up-Down Titration)
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2011, 09:13:16 AM »
1. Yes exactly that's what i want to do.
2. I want to found that titration can be used as cheap process to determine concentration of acids/bases, as compared to other methods like calorimetry, gas chromatography etc. My tests will be on digestate from water treatment/biogas plants and there i not know the concentration present. But first i want to do experiment on standard solutions and their mixtures.
3.  Up-Down titration i read in an article but i think the idea is same as back titration.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 09:30:07 AM by Roland_Span »

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Re: Mixture(Up-Down Titration)
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2011, 09:32:17 AM »
For simplicity, you may want to purchase standardized solutions, if this is for industrial use, and not a beginners class.  It may also be helpful, for government reporting purposes, to use a standardized solution.
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Re: Mixture(Up-Down Titration)
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2011, 09:44:07 AM »
Now I think I understand what you want to do in chemical terms - but your problem still doesn't make sense in procedural terms.

If you want just to test the idea, there is probably no defined standard, so you need to design your own procedure - and nobody can tall you what concentrations to use in your 'standard', as it it is entirely up to you to select them. OTOH, if there is a standard procedure defined, you should follow it to the letter.
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Offline Roland_Span

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Re: Mixture(Up-Down Titration)
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2011, 10:02:46 AM »
OK. Thats means i can made the mixture as i wish. I have acetic acid of 1M(say A) and ammonium sulfate 0.5M (say B). I can add them without any specified. I need 25 ml titrand so i can make mixture like 5ml A and 20 ml B, 10 ml A and 15 ml B and so. And titrate it with Naoh. Right?

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Re: Mixture(Up-Down Titration)
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2011, 01:03:40 PM »
Probably right - but you will not know till you try.
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