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Topic: The potential effects of "Potassium chlorate" on the human body.  (Read 4306 times)

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Offline cookie monster

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The potential effects of "Potassium chlorate" on the human body.
« on: December 05, 2011, 04:21:30 PM »
To the many distinguished members of the chemistry field,

I am a U.S. Army EOD (explosive ordnance disposal) Tech who returned from Afghanistan about 3 months ago. During my deployment I was forced to manually enter an IED (improvised explosive device) which we later determined was filled with Potassium chlorate (KClO3). During the process I inhaled an exorbitant amount of the HME (home made explosive). It took two hours for the first symptoms to show, migraine, uncontrollable shaking, cold sweating, and shortness of breath. I was immediately given large IVs and the doctor called Poison Control and the CDC in Washington DC, who informed him I was the first reported case ever. The primary concern was that the potassium would bind to my red blood cells and keep the cells from being infused with oxygen or so I was told. I am curious from a chemist's view point what effects this may have on me later in life, since no one seems to be curious but me.

I can for sure tell you that what I was exposed to was not the purest form of Potassium chlorate, god only knows what else the Taliban used in the making of it, I can say that according to Laser chemical analysis (Ahura first defender) it was still classified as Potassium chlorate.

I appreciate anyone who is willing to help me theorize any future medical issues I may experience. Please post any questions or ask me to clarify anything for you. I am semi- well versed on all chemicals necessary to make various HMEs and I should be able to follow most of the concepts you pose. Thank you again.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 05:18:42 PM by cookie monster »

Offline JGK

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Re: The potential effects of "Potassium chlorate" on the human body.
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2011, 03:26:32 PM »
the MSDS of potassium chlorate gives you some idea of the symptoms of Acute exposure

It is unlikely that a single (acute) exposure will have long term effects. Also, if the mateial was not completely pure  potassium chlorate, with out knowing what the other compnents are, you can't say for defininte where all your symptoms arise from.

Plus next time you might want to carry a few N95 dust respirators in your kit.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

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