Hello everyone. Nice to meet you all. I'm having a hard time with some questions on a chem quiz of mine. Chemistry is really difficult for me no matter how much I try to understand it. Forgive the pun (definitely not intended), but chemistry and I are like oil and water.
These are the questions I'm having trouble with:
1.) Draw the chemical structure for the following organic compounds, show all bonds between carbon atoms by using dashes:
a. 5-amino -2,6 -dimethyl- decane
b. Ethyl-propyl-ether
I'm lost as heck

I think for the A) question, there is a total of 10 carbons because it says "decane"? And that they are all single bonds??? Other than that, I look at that question and ask myself "What the hell do those numbers mean again?!?!?!"

I thought I'd try asking here on this forum because I figured of all places on the web to go to, a chemistry forum would be my best bet.
I really do appreciate any help whatsoever and if anyone does take the time to help me out, I thank you very much.
I may or may not have a few more questions to ask. I just hope that if I do ask a ton of questions, that I'm not annoying people