Greetings chemical forums personnel,
My name is Grant and I am a Junior pursuing a B.S. in Chemistry with a Biochemistry Emphasis, minor in Biology and Environmental Science.
I just joined the Chemistry Club at my University this semester and actually plan to engage in the program. Additionally, I just assisted writing the step by step manual for how to perform an experiment determining the concentration of a metal in a solution using the Flame Atomic Absorbance Spectrophotometer in our instrumental lab. I plan on doing similar write ups on additional instruments when I have time this semester.
At the end of my undergraduate degree program, I plan to have completed:
Gen Chem I / II & labs,
O Chem I / II & labs (Honors lab II),
Inorganic Chem & lab,
Analytical Chem / Instrumental Analysis & corresponding labs,
Biochem I / II & lab (one semester of lab),
P Chem I / II & labs
5000 level Environmental Chem
Also, at the end of this semester, I will know how to operate just the normal instruments you learn to use in the course of getting a B.S. in Chemistry eg:
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
and HPLC
I suppose I could put that I got my Eagle Scout when I was younger to get points for character, but that doesn't say anything about my ability to comprehend chemistry or critical thinking.
I would like to attend a graduate school in sustainable/green chemistry.
So, my question is, is there any good CV / Resume "beef" anyone can recommend tailored for this specific graduate program or just anything to set me apart from the guy/girl next to me? To clarify, aside from the obvious TA-ing, or a summer internship (I'm applying to several right now). Any additional information is appreciated.