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Topic: Mercury Vapour Dew Point  (Read 3485 times)

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Mercury Vapour Dew Point
« on: February 19, 2012, 01:08:48 AM »
Hi All,

I'm trying to calculate what the concentration of a gaseous mixture of Mercury in air would need to be for it's saturation temperature to be approximately room temp (25degC)?. I assume it will vary with Hg concentration (i.e. [Hg] goes up and dew point goes down). I ask as I have a cylinder containing a Hg/air mixture (at 2,000psig) and a Hg concentration of 50ug/m3, and I want to determine if any Hg liquid might starts to condense if the temperature drops. If not, what concentration range am I looking at before it may?

Does anyone know how to approach this problem?


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