www.sepsci.com has just linked to
www.chemicalforums.comHere is the e-mail from Tom Jupille:
Thanks for the suggestion; I can see this as being one of my regular "productivity killers"
I've added a link in the FAQ section:
http://www.lcresources.com/wiki/index.php?title=ChromFAQ:MoreInfo#On-line_Discussion_Groups_.2F_Bulletin_Boards-- Tom Jupille / Chrom Forum Admin
Becker, Marion wrote:
> To Whom It may Concern,
I was wondering if you would add
www.chemicalforums.com <http://www.chemicalforums.com/> to the links on your website. Chemical forums is a site that has multiple sub-forums for answering all kinds of questions. They have a huge reference section. So I was wondering if you would link to it. I have noticed you have a number of very useful/productive links on your site. I would like to recommend Chemical Forums as an additional useful link.
I am often on
www.sepsci.com <http://www.sepsci.com/> (I learn a lot about chromatography there and it helps me progress in my position with Dionex)
I also spend quite a bit of time at
www.chemicalforums.com http://www.chemicalforums.com/> and think you would be good resources. There are a lot of HPLC, GC, and IC questions posed on
www.chemicalforums.com <http://www.chemicalforums.com/>. I think it
would be nice to see both sites linked.
So I was wondering if you would consider adding
www.chemicalforums.com to your Message Boards and on-line discussion groups.
Since I alreay have Physical Inorganic Chemist under my name....and my area is Computational Quantum in the Physical/Inorganic Division...just put FullMetal Quantum Chemist (that would be it-the perfect description) ...I would say that about sums it up!!!!! If I tried to put all those words together...LOL....I do not think there is really one word that sums all that up better!!!
I am so glad this liason happened....I think both sites will benefit from the link/exposure.