This is a little bit tricky, because you have data of several types - amounts of some substances present in the final solution are given as masses, amount of KOH is given as volume and concentration. Program accepts input either as volumes and concentrations (it sums volumes then, calculating final concentrations before calculating pH), or as given concentrations (volume is ignored then)*, so we need to use a little trick.
Initially you have 75mL of solution containing 0.4365 g Na2HPO4 and 1.252 g citric acid. If we enter these things as 30 mL of solution containing 0.4365 g Na2HPO4 and 45 mL of solution containing 1.252 g citric acid we will get exactly 75 mL of the solution containing entered masses as the first stage.
Start the pH calculator, click database button, select disodium hydrogenphosphate, click use button, click on the C button to start concentration calculator, enter mass (0.4365) and volume (30 mL) - concentration (0.1025 M) is calculated automatically. This is not the final concentration after mixing yet, don't worry about it now. Click use button. Program calculates pH of the 0.1025 M solution of disodium hydrogenphosphate (should be 9.04).
Click Add reagent button. Click database button, select citric acid. Again start concentration calculator, enter mass of 1.252 g and volume of 45 mL, click use button. At the moment pH is calculated as 3.01, but it is not yet correct - as concentrations were copied just like they were calculated by the concentration calculator, and we know both citric acid and phosphoric acid were diluted after mixing. Find solution volume edit field - to the right there is a drop down list showing "ignore". Select "sum volumes" instead. Solution volume is listed now as 75 mL (30+45) and all concentrations were recalculated accordingly. pH is calculated as 2.99 - and while it is not exactly 3.00 is it the best value you can get from the equilibrium calculations.
Click Add reagent button again. This time you can't use database, as KOH is not listed as a reagent (it can be easily added, but we won't waste time on it now). Just enter KOH as formula and potassium hydroxide as name. While KOH is not present in the reagent list, program knows its dissociation constant, so it is automatically properly recognized. Don't start concentration calculator, you don't need it this time, just enter 1.5 as a concentration and 10 as a volume. Done & ready, what you have is your 85 mL of the final solution with KOH added.
Note that this final solution has an ionic strength of 0.44 - that means final result is most likely slightly off. This is not a limitation of the program, but of the theory. There is not much than can be done about it.
*Actually it is also possible to enter the final volume as if the solution was diluted after mixing, but it won't help us here either.