Entropy is the more general thermodynamic potential. A process is spontaneous when the production of entropy is positive. For an isolated system, this means :delta: S > 0.
I have to take issue with this point. If :delta:S is always >0 for a spontaneous process, how do you account for crystallizations or condensations? The entropy for a crystalline substance is far higher than the entropy of a liquid, and the entropy of a liquid is far higher than the entropy of a gas. For a gas to condense or for a liquid to solidify, the loss of entropy (- :delta:S) must be offset by an increase in enthalpy such that the Gibb's free energy for the process is negative. It is the Gibb's free energy :delta:G that tells you whether a process is spontaneous.
At least, that is my understanding. I would be happy to be corrected if I am mistaken.
Note that in the part that you quote I say that :delta:S is always positive for isolated systems. For non-isolated systems it can be negative or zero.
The general balance law for entropy for any integral process is
$$\Delta S = \Delta_i S + \Delta_e S$$
The term ##\Delta_i S## accounts for production of entropy due to dissipative processes inside the system and the term ##\Delta_e S## accounts for the flow of entropy with the surrounds. Thermodynamics states that, with independence of boundaries ##\Delta_i S \geq 0## with the inequality holding for spontaneous processes.
If your system is isolated ##\Delta_e S = 0## and
$$\Delta S = \Delta_i S \geq 0$$
That is why I said that for an isolated system a spontaneous process verifies ##\Delta S > 0##. If the system is not isolated, this is not true and the total variation of entropy ##\Delta S ## can be positive, negative or zero depending of the flow term ##\Delta_e S##.
Precisely the special spontaneity criteria ##\Delta G < 0## for
some spontaneous processes is derived from the general condition ##\Delta_i S > 0## for
any spontaneous process.
I will write the proof in a subsequent message.