We can consider this problem by examining the Arrhenius Equation:
The Arrhenius equation relates the rate, k, of a reaction to the activation energy, E
a, and the temperature, T. R is the ideal gas constant, and A is the Arrhenius constant, a pre-exponential factor.
It is the pre-exponential factor A that accounts for steric hindrance. According to collision theory, the value of A is short for
- P is a steric factor that accounts for the need for the molecules to be in the proper orientation
- [itex]\sigma[/itex] is the cross-sectional area of the molecule in question
- [itex]\bar{v}_{rel}[/itex] is the mean relative speed at which molecules approach each other in a gas
- [itex]N_{A}[/itex] is Avogadro's number
Therefore, the activation energy doesn't solely account for the rate of the reaction. Other factors are accounted for in the Arrhenius constant. (Chemical Principles: the Quest for Insight, 4th Ed., by Atkins and Jones)
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