Raghuveer:, I hope you don't mind my merging your two topics. They're both the same, in that they both contain very limited information from you. Try to show us more about what you know, what you've tried, and what you've learned, so we can give useful help.
i want to synthesize 4-acetyl phthalimide from phthalimide. I have tried all the available acetylation procedures but failed-----
Rxn condition i)CH3COCl / AlCl3/ anhydrous conditions/controlled reflux
Rxn condition ii)Acetic anhydride/AlCl3/anhydrous conditions/controlled reflux
Rxn condition iii) CH3COCl / AlCl3/ anhydrous conditions/ice cold stiring
Rxn condition iv) Acetic anhydride/ AlCl3/ anhydrous conditions/ice cold stiring
Rxn condition v)CH3COCl / Zn/ anhydrous conditions/controlled reflux
Rxn condition vi)CH3COCl / Zn/ anhydrous conditions/ice cold stiring
Rxn condition vii)Acetic anhydride/Zn/anhydrous conditions/controlled reflux
Rxn condition ii)Acetic anhydride/Zn/anhydrous conditions/ice cold stiring
and i have also subjected the same for microwave heating