Twickel, can you please spare 30 seconds to proof read your posts before pressing the "post" button? I mean, this is nonsense isn't it?
that should be a pentagon and the double bond that got cut should have an
For number2, you need to form an enolate ion?
or NaOEt in dry EtOh ii PhCH2Br ii Oh-/h2o/heat iv H+/H2o/heat?
If you are not willing to put in the effort to ask a coherent question, you should not be too optimistic about coherent responses.
1. As discodermolide asked, check structures for Q1, I think you copied them down incorrectly.
2. Your sequence looks quite good: (i) NaOEt, EtOH; (ii) PhCH
2Br; (iii) NaOH(aq), heat; (iv) H
+, heat.
You probably won't need step (iii), as the esters will hydrolyse under acidic conditions anyway.
3. Can you redraw/rewrite this question? You ask what the reaction will be when "cyclopentane" is subjected to the conditions - do you really mean cyclopentane? Alkanes will not react with any of the reagents in that sequence. Is the structure you drew in your second post an attempt at the answer or is it the starting material?
4. I agree with your answer.