Hi Wynn,
If we are talking about an undergraduate degree here, you will not have much of a chance to specialize while you are busy getting all of the required coursework out of the way! In many ways, the purpose of a Bachelors degree in Chemistry is to expose you to the basic tenets of chemistry and to give you a small taste of the major sub-disciplines (analytical, organic, physical, inorganic, biological, etc) so that you can make a more informed decision about graduate school.
To answer your question about graduate school in Chemistry - when you matriculate to graduate school in pursuit of a Ph.D., within the first year or two you will be required to choose a research advisor to guide you through the process of conducting your dissertation research. This is when the specialization really comes in. Any medium to large institution will have at least one faculty member who has an interest in physical organic chemistry, which sounds right up you alley!
Finally, you do NOT have to have a B.S. in Chemistry to go to graduate school for chemistry! I personally know people with Bachelors degrees in Geology and Math who have gone on to earn a Ph.D. in Chemistry from very prestigious schools!
Good luck to you,