I know that we can attach -COR to benzene ,toluene ,phenol ,ammonia ,Primary amine ,Secondary amine ,grignard reagent ,H2O ,NaOH ,aniline ,alcohols with RCOCl/anhidrous AlCl3
We can even use acid anhydride to do the same thing to benzene,phenol,aniline,alcohol.
1.Can we use acid anhydride to attach -COR to the all other compounds listed in bold.If not tell me which goes with acid anhydride ?
2.Do we need anhydrous AlCl3 when we are using acid anhydride?
3.can we call any attaching -COR as "acylation " (even to water and NaOH)
4.Is "friedel craft acylation" given for acylation an aromatic ring ?
Then which are from the above boldtype list
5.In alkylation of nitrobenzene do we need to heat the solution unlike in benzene/toluene alkylation ?
6.Can we have something like AlBr3 instead of AlCl3 in the process. If we can, do we have to use RCOBr instead of RCOCl ?