Transesterification with ethylene glycol is also possible as a side reaction, and has been previously reported for this substrate:
T. Boisse et al. Tetrahedron, 2007, 63, 10511–10520
In this paper they reverse this unwanted side reaction by taking the crude acetal and treating it with MeONa/MeOH to regenerate the methyl ester.
This may or may not be the issue with your reaction, we need to know what was in your crude reaction mixture to diagnose the problem. What molar excess of the diol are you using?
The best conditions in the lit appear to be pTSA/ethylene glycol/trimethyl orthoformate at room temp (98% yield):
M. Sutter Tetrahedron Letters, 1989, 30, 5417-5420
I'd try that instead. An hour in the library can save a day in the lab...