So, using your current system and materials, you'd like the peak to come out later. Have you tried reducing the amount of solvent? At some point, reducing solvent will widen the peak, which makes the system less ideal, but do go ahead and try a slightly lower concentration of ACN. Also try switching to methanol, if an ingredient switch that is allowed. Methanol has less eluting power than ACN. Are you allowed to change the gradient? If so, a brief hold at very low solvent, to allow the chromatogram to build some baseline before your program switches to another concentration may help. You're at the very low end of useful solvent concentration 'tho.
You really should give discodermolide:'s idea some more consideration. If the peak comes out very close to the solvent front, you're not really giving the column a chance to separate anything. Maybe you just need to quantitate, but consider ... is it accurate to analyze a peak that may be part something else?