Hello, I am studying for my orgo final using old exams the teacher has posted. But splitting trees really have me confused. Here is the question.

Before I even get started I can guess that because the compound is vinylic the chemical shift is between 4.5 and 6.5. Is this accurate? The J values are as followed: J12= 7, J13= 2. J14= 2, J34=1.5, J23=12, J24=15.
From these is it correct to say that each H will be split 3 times because they are seen in three J values each? For example if I chose H2 I would need to include in my splitting tree J12, J23, and J24. To di this splitting tree I would start at J24 because its the highest number. Here is what I came up with

A few questions. I started with 15 because that was the J value for J24. Would I continue to split this number as I go down the tree or would I use the next J value? For example, the second line of the tree was for J23 whose value was 12, do I split 12 into 4 pieces or 15 into 4 pieces? Also, how do i know when lines will intersect? Like for my last line how do I know there are 8 final solid lines and not 6? Would they intersect if the J values for 3 and 1 were the same?
Finally, how do I determine the chemical shift? Thanks for any tips and *delete me*