Wow. OK. This is going to be a real tough one for us, because your question, as you post it, doesn't make sense. I'm going to try to tell what's wrong, and I hope you can improve this question so we can help you more.
Respiration rate of plants vs animals experiment.
Seems like a reasonable experiment.
not sure what to put in this table,
What table?
or the calculations to d?
And d is ... what?
ok, i need to know the milliliters (mL) of NaOH to reach end point.
OK, if this is to mean anything, you will need a balanced chemical equation, sooner or later. Better sooner, to help us understand the experiment better, and then later we'll use it for calculations. What end point? What was there preventing it from reaching the end point, that needed mL of NaOH? This sort of info can't be left out.
i have total volume of organisms (mL)
snails = 12 mL
elodea= 1 mL
elodea dark 1 mL
control 0 mL
Alright, now this really needs an explanation. Snails measured by mL is a real WTF? moment for me.
we measures water displacement by measuring 75 ml of pond water in a 100 ml graduated cylinder. then we used 20 drops=1ml
Kay, we can work with this if we have to. But how are you comparing end point and displacement.
please *delete me* ive been doing homework all day, just need to finish this one problem!
What is the one problem?