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Topic: nitrate salts used as an oxidizer, curious about what products form.  (Read 1954 times)

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Offline brycebb

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I was curious one day and was looking up how sparklers and gun powder and other pyrotechnics work, and one of the main oxidizers used was potassium nitrate.  For example, in the sparkler aluminum is used as the reducing agent while the potassium nitrate is the oxidizing agent while other compounds can be used to produce different colors or affect the speed of the burn.  Now the reactants are potassium nitrate and aluminum.  I feel stupid for asking this but I could never get a definitive answer anywhere I look as to what the products would be from those two reactants.  I would assume potassium nitrite with aluminum oxide but I'm not sure because I do not know whether any NOx gases would be produced as well.  If anyone has any knowledge about this topic or could answer this question I would greatly appreciate it.

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Re: nitrate salts used as an oxidizer, curious about what products form.
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2012, 05:45:07 AM »
There is no precise answer to this question.
Combustion Al with nitrate is a non-equilibrium reaction performed at very high temperature. Then you can expect oxidation of Al to Al2O3, reduction of nitrate (mainly N2and NO) and thermal decomposition of nitrate (mainly NO, O2 and K2O - because of high temperature). During cooling some compounds may react further.

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