I'm going to try to explain it again to you, harmonictime:, and I hope you'll try to work with us to reach an answer to your problem that's worthwhile for everyone. Yes, even an answer of, "I can't be done." or "There isn't anything to extract, you're confusing terms" are worthwhile responses for this forum, to help out the next new person who arrives via a Google search.
You seem to want isothiocyanate derivatives of two common manufactured fluorescent dyes. I don't think these dyes are present in the various species of the Amanita genus. But I don't think these dyes are present. Do you have a reference that says these dyes are present? Because I'd like to read about that. But the isothiocyanate derivative would never be a biological product, its too reactive, and would end up bound to proteins, this is why Sigma-Aldrich makes the isothiocyanate, so people can reactant it to proteins. They seem to be going this commercially, using this reagent to bind the fluorescent dye to a toxic mushroom protein, for use in biochemical tracing experiments.
And just to save you some time asking, we won't be discussing, on this forum, a detailed plan for extracting the mushroom's toxin.