Okay, I have another one, which I'm confused about.
Calculate the cathode potential necessary to completely reduce Co(II) from 0.1M solution of EDTA. (PH= 7 α= 5e-4)
Kf = 2,0 e+16. Starting concentration of Co(II) is 0.01M E0= -0.277V
I tried doing it like this. First Co2+ is complexed to yield 0.01M CoY2-. This leaves us with 0.09 of Y4-. From Kfcond = α x Kf we get the equilibrium ocncentration of Co(II). I insert it into Nernst Equation and get the potential which is again in conflict with what the solution should be (I get -0,600ish V, sorry I dont have my notebook with me, the solution should be +0,500ish V)
Where did I steer off the right track?
Actually what are the mechanics of such proceses? I'm guessing the Cobalt is complexed but some of it remains, which is then reduced and to keep equilibrium constant happy, some is uncomplexed and again reduced. My course notes are very unclear on what actually goes on in there =).