Pick any protein that has anything to do with DNA replication and do a search in PubMed. I can almost guarantee you will find at least one research group trying to target that protein as a means of controlling cancer.
There are two major problems in fighting cancer. One is that cancer cells are so similar to human cells, because that is what they started out as. It is fairly easy to design a chemical that will kill bacterial cells without killing human cells, because it is easy to find proteins bacteria use and humans don't. It is far, far harder to find proteins that cancer cells use that normal human cells don't. The historical answer to this problem is to find pathways that cancer cells use much more than human cells, and shut those pathways off for a time. Theoretically the cancer cells will die faster than the normal cells, and then you can stop the treatment and the remaining normal cells will recover. Since the most obvious difference between cancer cells and normal cells is that cancer cells keep dividing, the obvious answer is to target all the pathways involved in cell replication. Any rapidly dividing cells in the body will be killed off, and once the cancer is gone, and the treatment stopped, the slowly dividing cells will recover. This accounts for many of the typical side effects of cancer drugs, because the human body has many normal cell processes that are fast dividing, mostly in the hair follicles and in the stomach lining. So people undergoing this type of cancer treatment usually lose their hair and have serious problems with digestion and nausea.
The second major problem is that the cancer cells themselves are so different, not only in different types of cancer and in different types of people, but even within the same tumor. Once the mechanisms to prevent or repair mutations have been bypassed or switched off, the cancer cells themselves are following a very rapid Darwinian evolution, and you can get a wide variety of different cancer cells with different processes switched on or switched off to promote cell growth and replication. Targeting any specific pathway may only kill a fraction of the cancer cells in any particular population or even in any particular tumor. Cancer is not just once disease, it is many diseases even in a single person. To be effective against all cancers, a drug would have to target a process required by all cancer cells, and finding one of those that isn't also required by all normal cells is incredibly difficult.
Many solutions currently under development have given up on trying to differentiate between cancer and normal cells - they are simply very toxic processes. Instead, investigators are exploring targeted delivery systems. Even if you have a compound which is extremely toxic to every cell it comes in contact with, it won't do too much damage if you can make sure that it is only distributed to cancer cells. This is the chemical equivalent to surgery. There are some purely biochemical processes that involve recognizing differences in the surface between cancer cells and normal cells, and using antibodies to direct the poisons only to the cancer cells, but again, cancer cells are not only very similar to normal cells, but have a very heterogeneous pattern of differences. There are also some mechanical processes, such as using high-powered magnets to guide the compounds to the tumor site, or implanting the drugs directly into the tumor site.
The hardest point to get across is that cancer is not one disease, even in a single human, and it is very unlikely that a single treatment will ever be discovered. We need to be able to target a broad spectrum of disorders, and we can only do that by targeting an enormous variety of biochemical pathways.