Can anyone help me compare the bond angles in PF3, PCl3 and PBr3. In my opinion the bond angles should be in the order PF3 > PCl3 > PBr3.
My explanation:
Let's take PF3 as our reference molecule. Now, in PCl3, due to lower electronegativity of Cl, the bond pair electrons will be closer to Phosphorus, (and consequently, towards the lone pair), therefore increasing lp-bp repulsion and thus decreasing the Cl-P-Cl bond angle w.r.t. the F-P-F bond angle.
A similar argument can be provided for the PBr3 molecule.
However, a textbook of mine, gives the exactly opposite order of bond angles. While it presents the the same logic, it says that since " the electron density near P is least in case of PF3, the lone pair will have "strongest influence" on molecular shape, "squeezing" the molecule, and reducing the bond angle vis-a-vis PCl3 ".
Can someone illustrate the flaw in my logic, and provide a suitable explanation for the answer provided in my book?