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Topic: angular momentum operator in spherical coordinates  (Read 2031 times)

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Offline nickhigh

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angular momentum operator in spherical coordinates
« on: September 22, 2012, 09:41:30 PM »
L^2=-ħ^2[1/sinθ * partialθ * (sinθ partialθ) + 1/sin^2(θ) secondpartialΦ]

operated on (3/(4pi))^.5cosθ , is equal to -ħ^2 * (3/(4pi))^.5 * -2 cosθ .

I keep getting double that, i dont know what i am doing wrong, and nobody I know is interested in helping me with pchem on a saturday night, whats the order of operations with this?
I have been putting (3/(4pi))^.5 out front since it isnt dependent on θ or Φ, then doing inside the partenthesis first, then the partialθ then multiplying by 1/sinθ.

then operated on (3/(8pi))^.5sinθe^iΦ it is that function multiplied by 2ħ, so the eigenfunction is 2ħ, but i just cant figure out how to get to it,and id like to know that come test day

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