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Topic: Smell Red Phosphorus  (Read 2912 times)

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Offline lablackey

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Smell Red Phosphorus
« on: September 24, 2012, 11:04:50 AM »
As usual, Google has failed me with regard to actually important questions.  Hope someone out there can help me out.  I've used red phosphorus (99% from Sigma-Aldrich) for years and never had this problem before, but this latest batch has started to stink.  It isn't very old and it's not clumping which would indicate to me that it had gotten some moisture into the container.
By the way, the red P comes in a baggie inside a metal can and I transfer it to a small glass jar which I then store in the can. I do this because working from baggies is annoying and messy.   :P

So I have two questions:

1. Why is the red P stinky? I've read it could be contamination by other forms of phosphorus, but it didn't start out stinky.  How/why did the quality change - especially when I've never had this happen before?

2. Should I consider storage in a plastic container for the next batch? I've always used glass, but that's mostly because my predecessor stored it in glass.

Any observations from others who have worked with this material are appreciated.  Than you.

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Re: Smell Red Phosphorus
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2012, 11:11:38 AM »
It may contain traces of phosphine(s). I would complain to them and send it back.
I would store it in a dark glass bottle under argon tightly sealed in a vacuum desiccator evacuated.
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