I'm wondering if there's a way of calculate the effect of sodium chloride on phosphate buffer.
More to the point, I've made the following buffer:
6.09 mM NaH2PO4
43.96 mM Na2HPO4
175 mM NaCl
Now, now matter how I calculate the pH (HH, activity coefficient, online table, online calculator...), I get a result of 7.7. But when I measure the pH of the solution, it's rather 7.55. Not very far, but slightly off... The only reason I can see for this difference between the calculated and observed pH is that NaCl affects the pH. But, I don't understand how. The only thing I can see is that Na+ ions coming from the NaCl somehow affects the equilibrium of the buffer, which also has Na+ ions...
Any ideas or explanations ?