This is the last NMR I have to solve, but I'm in troubles again...
I do not definitely know what do that do that 2 separated proton integrals mean.

I thought of the structure I've drawn bellow, but still can't be the solution, because CH2 protons are coupling with methyl ones.
The molecule has 2 insaturations. Don't know if that can mean double bond, carbonyl, or what else, in this case.
We have a CH3
I think we have a CH2
Don't what do the other 2 protons mean.
PS: This is my second post about NMR, and I'm new in this forum. I've read the rules, but I still don't know if I should open a new thread for every new question/problem I can't solve even if they are similar, or if I should post my doubts in the same thread as they are comming to my mind.