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Topic: Carbohydrates & Lipids *delete me*  (Read 2287 times)

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Carbohydrates & Lipids *delete me*
« on: November 10, 2012, 01:44:06 PM »
I take the subject, Biological Concepts.

I missed a couple of lessons due to personal reasons where the class had to conduct a practical which I am unable to catch up on. I have an assignment based on the practical and I am at a complete loss here. My teacher gave me a 3 hour lesson squeezed into 20 minutes but it all went through one ear and out of the other! She pretty much wrote the method in a diagram and gave me the results in a table but the problem is I have to write up about the procedure and unfortunately I cannot do that because I don't understand any of it.

I'm trying to make the best out of the circumstances but I know it's just not going to cut it. Enough babble, I will post the assignment brief along with what I have so far, any advice is really appreciated as I'd like to try and get a pass, I know there is no way in hell I can get a merit or distinction so if I can at least get a pass then that would be great.

Assignment brief

1. Complete the ‘identification of carbohydrates’ practical in class.
2. Write up the practical, using the standard format (see below).
3. On a separate page draw and label the alpha and beta ring forms of glucose, highlighting the difference between the two, and describe the importance of this (50 words approx).
4. Explain how the difference in the structures of alpha and beta glucose leads to the polymers amylase (part of starch) and cellulose (200-300 words).  You may find it useful to draw and label diagrams to support your explanation.
5. Include your completed Lipids worksheet. Do not have this!

How to ‘set out’ your write up[/u]
Title; ‘Identification of Unknown Carbohydrates’
Introduction; Give a brief explanation of what carbohydrates are and explain the role of carbohydrates in living things (300-400 words)
Method; Outline the order in which you did the tests, give the basic methods used in continuous prose, not lists. Do not write in a list of your apparatus: it should be obvious from your method. (250-500 words)
Results; Present a table of your findings, the results of each test.
Conclusion; Identify each of your samples.
Evaluation; This should answer questions such as; How did you find the experiment?  Did you correctly identify all samples? Were there any problems? Why? What improvements would you make?  Was the order of testing used logical? If you had the opportunity to repeat this investigation, could you do it more efficiently by revising the order of testing? (300 words)

What I have so far:

  • Method Diagram for the practical that the teacher drew on the board.
  • Results Table from the practical experiment.
  • Alpha and Beta rings with 50 word explanation.

I've attached the the method diagram and results table if anyone can make sense of that.

Any advice would be really welcome, I left School awhile back and I didn't really pay attention in Science which I deeply regret, so all this is really new to me.

This needs to be handed in on Monday, this is my only extension so I need urgent advice.

Offline Arkcon

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Re: Carbohydrates & Lipids *delete me*
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2012, 01:57:17 PM »
Its going to be very difficult for us to answer to the needs of your classes syllabus, since none of us are privy to it.  And there's a whole lot of other, similarly non-useful, information in your post.  Even the 5 numbered questions in the center of your text and image block can't be answered.  You're going to have to try to figure out what you don't know, and ask it directly, so we can help.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

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Re: Carbohydrates & Lipids *delete me*
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2012, 02:12:32 PM »
If I can get help with Number 4 and and the Introduction of the write up that would be fantastic.

The assignment brief is the only information I had, she just gave me that, the drawings and tables and that was it. So I'm at a complete loss. I've managed to find the worksheet for number 5 so I can do that no problem.

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Re: Carbohydrates & Lipids *delete me*
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2012, 02:17:30 PM »
2. Write up the practical, using the standard format (see below).
Introduction; Give a brief explanation of what carbohydrates are and explain the role of carbohydrates in living things (300-400 words)

Google/textbook. Look up and read about what carbohydrates are and their biological roles. Nobody will do this for you, but if you produce an attempt we can give comments/advice.

Method; Outline the order in which you did the tests, give the basic methods used in continuous prose, not lists. Do not write in a list of your apparatus: it should be obvious from your method. (250-500 words)

You have the flowchart, convert it into words. You should look up each test (google/textbook). You will find procedures for all of these test online very easily. Make sure you know what is being tested for at each stage - again, this information is readily available.

Results; Present a table of your findings, the results of each test.

You have this

Conclusion; Identify each of your samples.

In your flowchart you actually have got the sugars correctly labelled A-E. Did you assign them yourself or were you given the answers? You should look up each test (google/textbook) to make sure you know what is being tested for at each stage and work out how the test results allow you to deduce the identity of the samples.

Evaluation; This should answer questions such as; How did you find the experiment?  Did you correctly identify all samples? Were there any problems? Why? What improvements would you make?  Was the order of testing used logical? If you had the opportunity to repeat this investigation, could you do it more efficiently by revising the order of testing? (300 words)

If you do all the preceeding sections, you should be able to have a go at this.
4. Explain how the difference in the structures of alpha and beta glucose leads to the polymers amylase (part of starch) and cellulose (200-300 words).  You may find it useful to draw and label diagrams to support your explanation.

Google/textbook. How do the structures of amylase and cellulose differ?
My research: Google Scholar and Researchgate

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