Just made this today, the idea is to get ferric chloride and add oxalic acid for ferric oxalate. Now as I understand so far ferrous chloride is yellow, but ferric chloride when it crystallizes is green and becomes the tetrahydrate if in water. The colours here are dead accurate, I tweaked things in photoshop to get a wysiwyg image, underneath this crystalized surface is a bright green syrupy liquid. So I am looking for some advice here, do I have ferrous chloride and to convert it back to ferric I just add some iron and water? OR does this look like a real mess? Thankyou.
Actually while I was writing this the whole solution has now turned a really very bright luminous green, much greener than the photo, and it has been cooling for just 5 minutes now.
And now all those crystals are re-dissolving and the solution is the same colour as mentioned in the previous paragraph - 10 minutes later.