Hi Arkcon, to satisfy any curiosity you have, nothing to do with methanol, don't know the first thing about alchohols. Yes I want to learn, but also am an avid experimeter with regards to old photography, I'm talking 1830 to 1890 style. Strange compunds and mixtures involved, especially in toning and archiving. But I want to know always Why and How, not simply do it with ready made stuff. It's a mixture of creative satisfaction combined with the whole wide range of an academic interest in inorganic chemistry, though I have had to deviate frustratingly into a bit of organic learning. If I come across a new chemical requirement my first instinct has always been to make it rather than buy it. Strange as that sounds. However the phenolpthalein in solution was twice the price and I have to watch the pennies, it seemed sensible to buy 100 times the amount for next to nothing - especially since it keeps forever. Not to mention the water into wine tricks and other stuff I can entertain my children with.