Hi I really am confused, will appreciate the *delete me*
From the modern Version of Gay-Lussac experiments, syringe A contains 50cm3 of nitrogen monoxide and syringe B contains 50cm3 of oxygen. In the experiment, 5.0cm3 portions of oxygen were pushed form syringe B to A. After each addition, the tap was closed. After the gases had returned to their original temperature, the total volume of gases remaining was measured.
Attached is the graph.
So, my question was:
Deduce the volume of nitrogen dioxide formed.
I know the oxygen is in excess and thus 25cm3 of oxygen reacted with 50cm3 of nitrogen monoxide, to form 75cm3 of nitrogen dioxide. It adds up to me, I wrote 75cm3. However, the answer was 50cm3, they took the total volume formed - 25cm3 of oxygen, I don't understand why. Dont they react with each other, 50cm3 of NO and 25cm3 of O2?
Please help,
thank you so much!