My teacher told us that the value of PV gives an idea of the energy a system has.
i.e PV is value of a certain type of internal energy.
So i can say that dU = dQ + d(PV)
dU = dQ + VdP + PdV
but the famous equation of the First law is actually dU = dQ + dW
where, dW = PdV
1) Where is the VdP term?
(Pext = External Pressure
Pint = Internal Pressure)
Whenever we do use dW = PdV, we use external pressure.
That must mean that earlier PV is actually PextV.
For Reversible process - P(internal) = P(external)
For Irreversible Process - We use P(external)
2) Why Pext?
This can somewhat explain why VdP term is not mentioned beause dPext = 0.
But in reversible process, external pressure changes.
So in that case, we can't ignore that term