In 1966, while researching reactions between NO and a simple substance A, Neil Bartlett found two products – the main one, B, and an interesting side product C. Mass spectrum of the compound C contained peaks listed in the attachment.
C survived heating up to 260 °C and was stable in the presence of concentrated alkaline solutions. Mixed with hydrogen it exploded at 170 °C. Reaction with iodides produced 1.5 mmol I2 for every mmol of C (NO evolved during this reaction). C reacted with the hydrofluoric acid substantially increasing conductivity of the solution, and after further addition of BF3 two crystalline adducts were produced – one (D) contained 6.98% boron and the other (E) 9.71% boron.
Give formulas of all substances A to E.
(Note: generally speaking it is not possible to deduct formula for B from the information given, so if you have no idea what it can be - don't worry.)