I want to let you guys know that I'm slowly, and the key word is slowly, working on my next article which will be about mercury. There is so much to write on this element that it may be my longest article yet. I plan on writing about the mystique of mercury and why it seems to attract everybody to it, as well as the toxicity and dangers of it. I have lots of personal tales dealing with mercury that I can't wait to talk about. (Such as how I used to play with it as a kid

) I will also talk about the horribly tragic incident out in Dartmouth, I believe, dealing with organic mercury compounds and how it took the life of a chemist who dropped one tiny doplet on her gloves. I plan on having pictures of my own mercury, as well as pictures from Theodore Gray's site where he has an amazing picture of a guy sitting ON a pool of mercury! (So if you can't wait, head on over to his site which I linked to in our links section). Depending on the legality of it, I'll also show a frame or two from the making of Terminator 2 where they used gallons of mercury to create the liquid metal effect for the T-1000. I'll be talking about the use of mercury in terms of pressure, as well as its use in fluorescent light bulbs and old thermostats. There is so much to talk about that it will take me quite a while to put together, so just sit tight as the wait will be worth it, I think.

(I'm also busy admiring my new five-gram pellet of Osmium metal which looks absolutely stunning. I think I may start to tackle the Platinum Group Metals next).