Both involves the process of bond breaking but the former requires new bonds to be formed as well. So why do some compounds melt and others decompose? Or do some compounds melt then decompose? Then how does boiling come in since that's similar to lattice energy already?
Start with covalent compounds.
Which bonds break during melting?
Which bonds break during decomposition?
Which bonds break during boiling?
What may cause the compound to decompose before melting or boiling?
You mean for simple covalent molecules right?
1) some the intermolecular forces of attraction breaks
2) both the intermolecular forces (not sure if all breaks) and the actual bonds break?
3) all the intermolecular forces of attraction breaks
4) I would guess that if the compound's bond strength is weaker than the bond strength? But in all cases the bond strength is way stronger than any intermolecular forces of attraction so actually thinking about it now, when I boil water is any energy put in to start breaking those O-H bonds or is all the energy put to destroy those good interaction there?
Greatly appreciate the help