I really don't know how I am supposed to memorize all the identification codes, all the monomers and dimers of the polymers, then let alone draw them. Most of this is not even in the chem book which really sucks because then I can't look at examples from the book that would give explanations. I'm also supposed to memorize the natural polymers, discuss the characteristics of polyacrylate, including current and potential uses of this polymer (which I have no clue what that is and I can't find it anywhere that can explain it too me). I'm also supposed to list all the characterisitcs of thermoset and thermoplastic polymers...like how on earth am I supposed to know all this?
Stop this whingfest and do so independent reseach google/wikipedia will give you loads of info on this and put some thought into your work; alternatively carry on whinging get nowhere drop out of school and end up in the gutter.
A monomer is the smallest unit that a polymer is made from (the give away is in the name mono = one while poly = many).
A dimer is just two monomers joined together (the give away is again in the name di = two). So if the monomer contains 1 chlorine or phenyl group then the dimer will contain 2 of them.
Polyacrylate is a very wide range of polymers that have many many uses (an acrylate monomer could be acrylic acid, methyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate butyl acrylate etc.).
Polyacrylic acid as a low molecular weight solution of its sodium salt is used as a dispersant/anti-scale but as a high molecular weight solid it is used as a superabsorbant polymer in nappies etc.
So go do some work our your own and then come back if you have specific questions; we're not here just to do all your howework for you while you learn nothing.