I'll summarize some key points. (I still remember one of the first things I did on this forum was have this discussion with Borek!
The indicator consists of two forms, the protonated (HA) and deprotonated (A
-). Each has its own colour. When [H
ind, then you will have an exactly even ratio of [HA]/[A
-]. So if you want an exactly even mix of colours to show your end point, then find an indicator so that pH at equivalence point = pK
ind (or as close as possible to pK
ind). Reason suggests that this will only given you usable results if the colour change is very sharp and sudden.
More realistically, you want a range over which the colour changes. From the rearrangement [A
+], it's obvious that HA dominates in very acidic conditions and A
- in very alkaline ones. The moment when [A
-]/[HA]=1 is the end-point itself, but we want a range, so let's define it like this. If the lowest pH at which we can notice the colour change is defined as the moment when [A
-]/[HA]=0.1 (so A
- is 1/10th of the colour of HA), and the last moment when we can notice the colour changing is the moment when [A
-]/[HA]=10 (after this [A
-] dominates by too much for us to notice HA), we can define the first one as pH
min and pH
max of our range, so that pH
Ind-1 and pH
Ind+1. What if you want some factor other than 10? pH
10(n) and pH
Well, this was good for my revision! Given that you can select any indicator (with any pK
Ind you want), look for one that captures the equivalence point within the range highlightened by pH
min and pH
max. I'm going to assume calculating the pH at the equivalence point is a problem you can handle, and once you know that you just consider which indicator has a range it most neatly fits into.