I agree with your theoretical yield
0.228 g / 84 g (MM of NaHCO3) is 0.00271 mol NaHCO3
with 1:1 ratio ( i also double checked your rxn is balanced
i got so many question wrong bc of this lol)
your theoretical yield for NaCl is 0.00271 mol * 58.5 g/mol (MM for NaCl) = 0.1585 g.
Therefore with the weight of your product at 0.481 gram, you have (0.481g / 0.1585 g)*100 = 303 % yield !
Something went wrong in your purification of the product that you probably didn't dry the crystal to the point where there's no more water in the product that's why your yield in so high. Keep that product in the dessicator and weigh it again