By the way, you'll notice that all the "correct" isomers have the same total number of bonds - 8. Because the relationship between number of bonds to a nitrogen and it's formal charge is always constant, I got to thinking that for a given number of nitrogens connected in a linear fashion, there should be a constant relationship between the total number of bonds in the molecule, the number of nitrogens in the chain, and the overall formal charge. I played around with the math and I came up with a formula.
The total number of bonds, D(n) in a linear chain of n nitrogens with overall formal charge C is
[tex]D(n) = \frac{C + 3n}{2}[/tex]
I tested it out on a bunch of test cases and it seems to work. (In the case under consideration, n = 5 and C = +1, so the total number of bonds is 8.) Since D(n) has to be a whole number, any charge/n combination that gives a fraction is impossible. For instance, a chain of five nitrogens with a +2 charge doesn't work (D = 8.5), so there's no way to make a chain of nitrogens bond in such a way that the formal charge is +2, and playing around with the structures confirmed it as far as I can tell. I could probably modify the formula for branched chains and also ring structures and such, I suppose, but didn't get that far and the math would get more complicated in a hurry.
Anyway.... yeah, I'm a nerd but I thought it was kind of interesting.