OK. You're asked for observations when adding a number of reagents, and then asking (in some cases) the reaction with the next reagent, for two compounds. If there is a reaction, or not, that is 12 separate questions. Can you begin any of these questions? Can you give use the answer to number one for each compound? Since you will need it for 4, 5 and 6, can you give us the answer to number 3? What observations can you make before you and any reagents? You will have to know what you see at first, before you can know if there's been a change.
This is how we help, on this forum. We give hints to help you, help yourself. As detailed in the
forum rules {click}. Its not likely the instructor expects you to answer questions like this with beginning to prepare you for the process. So what have you learned, lately, that would help you?