January 15, 2025, 09:41:33 AM
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Topic: Is this possible? Encapsulate, Dissolve, Enjoy, Does such a substance exist?  (Read 2421 times)

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Hello all :) new here...obviously. I don't know much about chemistry, but I ran into a problem during a recent brainstorming session and figured this would be the place to post my problem, so lets see if one of you guys can help me out because this is currently racking my brain at the moment. I'm aware that things like water soul-able plastics exists, and apparently gelatin capsules as well, but I was wondering. Is there anything out there (that's safe to ingest). That could hold (encapsulate) a liquid but when you dropped it in another or the same liquid it would dissolve instantly releasing said liquid into the liquid? Haha that sounds funny. So for example: I fill it up said capsule with orange soda, and then drop it in orange soda or sprite and have the capsule instantly dissolve. Presto! Orange Sprite! Yum! Ideas? Opinions?

Offline curiouscat

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I'm confused.

Why would you want to liberate orange sode into orange soda?  ???

Offline kriggy

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He ment probably something like this:
1) have a capsule which can hold aquaeous solution of X and not dissolve
2) Drop capsule into the water which then dissolve and release mentioned solution into the water

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