Regarding Stokes Shifts, I was under the impression that a Stokes Shift was, as you said, a red-shifted fluorescence spectrum with respect to the absorption spectrum caused by vibrational relaxation in the excited state and suggested by Kasha's "Good Idea"
Not vibrational relaxation - structural relaxation. When an electron absorbs a photon and is promoted to an excited state, this happens almost instantaneously, long before the nuclei have a chance to adjust to the new electronic environment. However as I've mentioned the excited state electron density distribution is usually quite a bit different than the ground electronic state, so once the electron is in its excited state, the nuclei will slowly reposition themselves. The entire average structure of the molecule changes! This results in a stabilization of the excited electronic state. Since fluorescence is usually slower than this structural relaxation, photon emission primarily happens from this relaxed state. The wavelength of absorption is related to the energy gap between the ground state and the excited state. And wavelength of fluorescence is related to the energy gap between the excited state and the ground state. However while the ground state is pretty much the same in both processes, the excited state is lower energy in the fluorescence process. The result is lower energy wavelength for emission. The difference in energy between absorption and emission is called the Stokes shift.
Stokes and anti-stokes scattering is a completely different phenomenon related to transitions between vibrational levels, not electronic levels. (Fluorescence as we refer to above is mostly an electronic process, although vibronic structure can be resolved.) Raman scattering is when a vibrating molecule is promoted to a high lying "virtual" vibrational state and then relaxes back to a different low-lying vibrational state in a concerted-type process. In a way this is like fluorescence but since it is scattering the process is nearly instantaneous so is not subject to relaxation dynamics as we see in the electronic absorption described above. If the lowest lying vibrational state is v
1 and the next lowest is v
2, most scattering events result in absorption to a virtual excited state and then relaxation to the same origin state - that is, the scattered photon has the same energy as the incident photon. This is called Raleigh scattering. A small portion of scattered photons do not have the same energy as the incident photons, however. This is called Raman scattering. Raman scattering results in excitation to an excited state and then relaxation to a different vibrational state. Considering only the two states v
1 and v
2, Raman scattering can result in a transition between these states in two ways. Either the molecule starts in v
1 and ends up in v
2 or it starts in v
2 and ends up in v
1. In the former process the scattered photon has less energy than the incident photon and in the latter process the scattered photon has more energy than the incident photon. The former process is called Stokes scattering and the latter process is called anti-Stokes scattering. anti-Stokes scattering requires pre-population of a higher lying vibrational state (it has to start in v
2). Raman scattering is a non-linear (two photon) effect and the selection rules are different. A dipole moment change during the transition is not required, which is why IR-silent molecules like nitrogen gas give Raman signals. However the same vibrational states are interrogated by IR and Raman experiments, so they are complimentary techniques. Both Stokes and anti-Stokes scattering a very small effects - typically the signal is at least 6-7 orders of magnitude weaker than Raleigh scattering.
The Raman effect can also be observed between rotational states and I believe electronic states, but I stress again it is a different process than simple electronic absorption and fluorescence. The use of Stokes in these two areas is coincidental.
I have a feeling we misunderstand each other. This was only in response to Curiouscat's question whether an emitted photon is always longer wavelength than a corresponding absorbed photon.
In electronic spectroscopy and fluorescence, it is. In light scattering, where vibrational levels (or other levels) are involved, scattered photons can be higher energy than incoming photons.
Is our scale here a 1-2 nm difference between absorption and fluorescence, or is it something else?
I was simply wondering how much solvent/structural reorganization is expected to redshift an emission spectrum on that timescale. But, I didn't realize it happened so quickly. That was definitely interesting to read, thanks for that info!
The degree of shift doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the timescale of reorganization. It has more to do with the difference in polarity between the ground and excited state and the polarity of the solvent. Where reorganization timescale comes into play is if it is long enough that it begins to compete with fluorescence. If structural relaxation takes place on a 100 ps timescale, for example, and fluorescence is 500 ps timescale, you can start to see fluorescence from both the unrelaxed and relaxed states, even in an experiment that isn't time-resolved. (You will see this is a broadening of the fluorescence signature.)