January 15, 2025, 03:54:44 PM
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Topic: Does knowing basic chemical rules allow the one to make many reactions?  (Read 2610 times)

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Offline astralprojectee

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I don't know exactly how to say this because I am very new to chemistry. Does understanding the basics of chemistry allow one to make many reactions based on some fundamental formulas and rules of chemistry?

In other words you don't have to know how to do something special for each unique type of reaction, but rather the underlying formulas and chemistry foundations allows one to make many reactions without having to know specifics for each and every reaction they need to do?

I know I probably sound like such a newbie. Thanks.

Offline Borek

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What do you mean by "make reaction"?

On some general level learning chemistry is about learning how to predict outcome of the reaction that will occur when you mix different reactants. And we do it by first defining some general rules, and then discussing all possible exceptions (usually plenty of those).
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Offline astralprojectee

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What do you mean by "make reaction"?
You know a Chemical reaction. Other than that it seems like what your saying is understanding some basic rules and formulas and the foundations of chemistry allow one to make many chemical reaction but there are also many exceptions they may apply depending. Is that kind of what your saying?


Offline iamback

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We don't make chemical reaction, we predict the outcomes.

Like if I react two different compounds or with a reagent, I am able to tell the what the product is gonna be. And that comes by reading different topics of chemistry.

Why are you asking all these ? Do you have problem with chemical reactions, like there are so many of them, how would I remember all of them ?

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