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Topic: Requirements for a Master in Theoretical Chemistry  (Read 3028 times)

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Requirements for a Master in Theoretical Chemistry
« on: May 23, 2013, 07:17:08 AM »

I have just finished a bachelor's degree in chemistry, and will start my master the coming fall. I visited University of Oslo and listen to about 10 different research groups' presentations, theoretical chemistry one of them.

I have for long been fascinated by theoretical chemistry, but I fear I am not qualified. I have no more physics than what I got from high school, but I have calculus, linear algebra, and linear differential equations from my bachelor.

As I understand it, theoretical chemistry is much about solving Schrödinger's equation. I have barely seen this equation, and I fear I am no where near the mathematical requirements for solving it.

I have sent an e-mail to the Professor in charge, asking about this. However, what would you say a "general" requirement would be for mastering in theoretical chemistry?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Requirements for a Master in Theoretical Chemistry
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2013, 09:58:40 AM »
Without a solid background in quantum chemistry, it'll be a real uphill climb.  But you could do it, provided you are willing to put the work in on the side, and that you are confident in your math skills.
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