I'm suspecting we may be facing a language barrier. However, even so, its worthwhile to have some starting points for a discussion, before it gets away from us, so here goes:
Hi all,
Hello yourself.
How can I excitation - ionization
these words are not synonyms, so I have to ask why you use them together.
solid metal? or metal ions in solution? What do you mean here?
by chemical material or something else
Again, why do you want either chemical means or something else. Why do you put them so close? Results will not always be the same with different methods.
May by radioactive material which is too soft.
OK, that's a different application.
Aqua regia creates 9.225 ev energy?
That really doesn't make sense. I'm left suspecting that we're going to get close to pseudoscience here.
And ionize inside the liquid?
Again, not clear enough to be meaningful.