I am a fellow reef aquarist here. Can you please define "problem"?
If you are asking whether 3 chlorides will initiate cold fusion killing everyone within 1000 miles, the answer is "no".
If you are asking whether magnesium chloride and potassium chloride will decrease the amount of calcium chloride that can dissolve in tap water, the answer is probably "yes", but the best way is to experiment. It is very easy to measure how much of something dissolves.
If you are asking about whether mixing the 3 chlorides together will make it harder to maintain your aquarium, the answer is probably "yes". What do you do when the magnesium is high and calcium is low? You have to change your formula. Much easier just to add calcium chloride periodically and magnesium only when magnesium measures low.
Why are you adding potassium chloride?
You do realize these 4 chemicals (calcium hydroxide, calcium chloride, sodium carbonate, magnesium chloride and potassium chloride) will shift your ionic balance to favor chloride over sodium over time. Calcium hydroxide will not shift the balance, and calcium chloride and sodium carbonate in appropriate doses to maintain calcium and alkalinity won't either. But the other 2 add chloride and not sodium. This is fine if you are adding balanced sodium another way, or just not adding much.