let's speak entirely outside the domain of thermodynamics; i explained the direct systematic process of WHY the freezing point depresses with the addition of solutes. i don't count entropy explanations as a direct explanation for why these things happen.
Then you are mistaken. That's like asking "Why does an apple fall from a tree? But please no discussions that involve Newton's Laws or gravity!"
restating my question, if the solutes were sufficiently polar, would it have a counter effect on the default effects of solutes in a liquid? (ie the freezing point depression)
Why don't you search for a concrete counter example then? Do you know of any solute examples that illustrate your hypothetical? I don't (but I may be wrong).
with the falling apple, i can ask well why does gravity have an effect on the mass of the apple? i see no apparent reason, and when i go back far enough i can go back to an explanation provided by the Higgs field.
For an electric potential field, i can say that well, this electrostatic potential exists because of the fact that charged particles are influenced by electric fields and due to this fact, the -dir(gradient of the electric field) is the field of electrostatic potential.
but with entropy.... the number of ways you can rearrange a system (W). this does not tell me anything directly. I could ask how a sodium-potassium pump works, and one could say.. because it follows... the entropy trend or something of the sort, or simply, "because of entropy", and this would tell me exactly nothing at all. biology students learn the PROCESS behind how it works, what happens step by step mechanically, and not explanations of "entropy increases or decreases".
please do not mistake what i am saying for an insult to the subject of thermodynamics. i'm sure the concept of entropy has its place in certain subjects. However the replies so far do not address my question. something being "due to entropy and therefore causing a higher enthalpic barrier" only gives me a mathematical model/framework of the system and i have no way of relating this mathematical framework back to what is visually actually going on.
for the concrete example, if there was one i wouldn't be compelled to ask for the possibility. i enjoy working in the theoretical domain, asking what ifs, so that's what i was doing rather.